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Enlightenment e18.2 and Terminology 0.4.0 Now on openSUSE

Enlightenment e18 (18.2) and Terminology 0.4.0 are now available on openSUSE. Those who pay attention will have noticed it there for a couple of weeks, but now the openSUSE theme and profile should be working and i don't think i will be breaking anything again anytime soon... More...

Enlightenment e17 on openSUSE 13.1

Hi all, as one of the enlightenment maintainers on openSUSE i thought i'd give you all a quick review / tour / how to for enlightenment on openSUSE. The version of Enlightenment shipping with openSUSE 13.1 is 17.3 with version 1.7.8 of the enlightenment foundation libraries, this was the most stable release at the time of the feature freeze. If you would like to help us test later versions i wrote about the current plans for our testing repo's on obs here the other day... More...

Enlightenment e18 coming to a openSUSE near you soon.

With Enlightenment e18 now in alpha its time to look at packaging it for factory so i’m going to outline our grand plans so that you can be aware of what is going on and help us with testing, while alpha packages are now out initially we aren’t packaging them formally, we already have regular [&hellipMore...

openSUSE e17 Theme

I decided to create this theme for 2 reasons, firstly i thought it might be a bit of fun, but mostly because i think for enlightenment to be integrated into openSUSE by default it should look and feel like the rest of openSUSE. Of course to continue like enlightenment although by default we should match [&hellipMore...

Enlightenment on openSUSE, now with profiles.

Hi all, here is a quick update on whats going on for enlightenment on openSUSE, firstly we now have a working profile, it could do with some enhancements still, i would have liked to get a desktop and laptop profile the later with the backlight and battery monitor unfortunately i haven’t worked out how to [&hellipMore...